Motion Comic
Big Picture Group Productions
Design, Animation, Compositing
Riddick: Blindsided is a motion comic based on storyboarded scenes of the third film that didn't make the theatrical cut. It takes place shortly before the events of Riddick and bridges that film with the previous one. The director's cut of Riddick reinserts most of the material covered in Blindsided back into the film. It was released online a month before the release of the third film to generate buzz and it is also included with the movie's home video release.
This piece was particularly challenging -- Ryan Hunnewell and I were being delivered finished line-art illustrations based on the storyboards as we were completing shots. Each illustration then had to be split apart, rigged, textured, animated, and finally composited bringing life and movement to the illustrations.
The whole project was a very challenging and rewarding experience. (Also as a fan of the Riddick Universe, this was a treat.)

Riddick: Blindsided - Making Of
Big Picture Group Productions